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Stomach Issues Often Arise from Chronic Stress

Stomach Issues Often Arise from Chronic StressStomach issues aren’t only caused by poor diet. Stress can contribute to many stomach problems such as IBS, chronic gastritis, diarrhea and more. Your digestive system is one of the most important areas of the body and when you’re experiencing stress, serious problems may occur.

The digestive system is highly influenced by signals from the brain and can easily be affected by highs and lows of stress. When your body is under constant stress, a variety of gastrointestinal diseases may occur.

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), IBD (peptic ulcer disease) and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome can compromise the purpose of the digestive system. Chronic stress has been shown to lead to the development of these health problems.

Research has also shown a link in stress and alterations to the gut’s microbial flora which also compromises the functioning of the digestive system and affects other areas of the body such as the skin and mental health and well-being.

When you’re under chronic stress conditions for a prolonged period of time, biochemical changes take place in the stomach that may significantly and immediately change the way the digestive system functions.

What you may think is an illness may be entirely linked to stress. Headaches, lack of sleep, lack of mental acuity and ability to concentrate are just some of the health problems may occur – as well as stomach issues – because of stress.

Other issues that may occur from stress and a low-functioning digestive system include weight gain, chronic fatigue, decreased immunity and blood sugar fluctuations. If you’re suffering from any of the symptoms of chronic stress, it’s important that you evaluated the causes and immediately address how you can minimize those effects.

For some people, regular exercise sessions, deep breathing and meditation can be very helpful in reducing the symptoms of stress. For others, more in-depth treatments may be in order. Your health care provider can help you find the best option(s) for you.

Leaving stress unchecked can cause many health problems other than those you may be experiencing with your stomach. Cardiovascular issues and high blood pressure may result from a steady dose of chronic stress.

Most stress can be reduced by choosing active methods to relieve it. You may think you’re relaxing by watching television, but your body may need the boost of cardio activity to erase the stress issues from your mind and body.

There are many new coping methods for chronic stress that can help you reduce stress in your life and subsequently help your stomach issues. Online research can help you find ways you may want to discuss with your physician.

If a stomach issue arises, don’t ignore it. It can quickly turn into health problems that will be difficult to eradicate. The problem could be chronic stress – or something else such as the precursor to a heart attack.