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Effects of Stress on Your Body

You can have mood swings that threaten relationships, your job and your personal productivity if you’re under a great deal of stress. Chronic stress may even make you gain weight or change your lifestyle to one you don’t want.

Continued nervousness and anxiety places demands on your physical and mental well-being and can cause extreme frustration when you feel it’s hopeless. You’ll likely experience some nervousness and anxiety at certain times in your life, but if it’s a constant occurrence, you need to look at the stressors in your life.

Significant stressors can be an event or demands that make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. You may experience both psychological and physiological symptoms that can morph into health issues.

Some symptoms of nervousness and anxiety caused by stress include muscle tension (especially in the shoulders and neck), pain in your body, headache, hair loss, stomach ache, shakiness, lack of sleep, dizziness, sweating and change of appetite.